Stopline recommends following a few essential points to assist your organisation in an early resolution to any investigation.

  • Establish a complaint handling system with clear guidelines.

  • Treat all complaints confidentially.

  • Seek early independent advice from a trusted and experienced source.

It is imperative that managers or supervisors responsible for investigating allegations of dishonesty, bullying, harassment or sexual misconduct avoid procedural errors which can further complicate a situation or increase the anxiety of those involved.

Due process must be followed, and this is more capably performed by Stopline professionals, especially if the matter has the potential to advance to civil or criminal proceedings.

In the course of an investigation, the Stopline investigations team would;

  • Ascertain a sequence of events and assist in protecting your people and organisation from further harm,

  • Help to reverse any damage that has been caused,

  • Give you complete confidence in the outcome of the investigation,

  • Advise you in taking the right steps, with impartial investigators and a transparent process.

The Stopline Investigation Team is highly effective and extremely experienced; many of whom had long careers in law enforcement. We have the skills to expose information, establish the connections between people and events, gather supporting evidence from multiple angles and layers, distinguish between fact and fiction, and document those findings. We can also provide guidance on how to prevent or minimise future risk.

Our investigations services cover both internal and external threats to an organisation:

1Offences against the organisation

We undertake investigations into issues such as fraud, theft of intellectual property, selling or sharing trade secrets, collusion with third parties to secure contracts or to bring about unlawful influence.

We also conduct investigations into physical damage to the organisation, such as harm to property, breaking and entry, tampering, and theft of goods, equipment and documents. We can assess and make recommendations on the effectiveness and compliance of security assets, such as CCTV monitoring, storage of records, locks, access, lighting, and physical safety barriers.

2Offences against people

Investigations into alleged misconduct to an individual must be handled with sensitivity. Emotions can be heightened for those who are victims of misconduct, alleged accused and those who are responsible for the safety and well-being of those involved. Particular importance is attributed to this role when investigating issues such as bullying, harassment, damage to personal property, physical intimidation and assault. We bring the skills and acumen to conduct investigations delicately, but without compromise. It may be appropriate for us to provide guidance on statutory compliance and risk minimisation, and alert your stakeholders to their obligations.

Any of our conclusions can be presented as formal reports or through informal discussions with you.

Stopline Investigative Service