Some simple rules to follow for online and data security:
Always be aware of who you are emailing and if needed recheck the email address rather than automatically replying to a known email account.
Digital Workshop: Whistleblowing - Implementing an ethical, responsible and lawful framework
Hear from Andrew McLeish about our whistleblowing experts and learn about best practice whistleblowing programs to ensure compliance with the new legislation.
Whistleblower Services - Is your house in order?
On 1 July 2019 the Federal Government amended the Corporations Act 2001 – Treasury Laws Amendment (Enhancing Whistleblower Protections) 2019.
The amendment requirements are:
A case study of collaboration.
The Discloser expressed their concern in what was described as a culture of the people who were subjected to the bullying allegations as being in a ‘clique.’ The Discloser was also concerned that they previously witnessed staff being managed out of the organisation after they complained of inappropriate behaviours.
Cyber Security Update
The scams involve malicious cyber actors sending out phishing emails and directing people to websites that then install malicious software or steal personal information. The cyber criminals then install viruses or ransomware on the devices and then seek funds to clean the virus.
Conflict - What is it and how can we assist you in managing conflict in the workplace.
Conflict is normal and conflict is also inevitable in the workplace, but too much conflict can have a negative effect on individuals, teams and the organisation’s culture. Not everyone is comfortable with managing conflict and it can sometimes take considerable time and energy to resolve.
CoVID19 or Coronavirus Information
With the current health crisis and the number of people being infected with CoVID19 both nationally and internationally, people in the workplace are becoming increasingly concerned about their health and wellbeing.
Our Investigations Team, Our Experience
Stopline’s investigators have more than 140 combined years of experience in policing and conducting financial, criminal and conduct investigations.
What is reportable conduct?
Before an organisation mounts a response to a disclosure it’s important that an assessment of the complaint is undertaken to ensure the complaint falls under Reportable Conduct.
Detrimental Conduct
Detrimental conduct is defined under the Corporations Act as:
Dismissal of an employee;
Injury of an employee in his or her employment;
Alteration of an employee’s position or duties to his or her disadvantage;
Discrimination between an employee and other employees of the same employer;
Harassment or intimidation of a person;
Harm or injury to a person, including psychological harm;
Damage to a person’s property, reputation, business or financial position; or
Any other damage to a person.
Investigations Workflow
All investigations undertaken by Stopline require preparation, planning, execution, review and conclusion. We have had considerable success in managing our investigations by following a structured phased approach.