Bullying is a complex behavior, with definitive answer. Here are some reasons to consider.
Bullying is a complex behavior, and there is no one definitive answer to why people bully others. However, some of the reasons people engage in bullying behavior include:….
The benefits of using Stopline as an external whistleblower service provider
Using Stopline as an external whistleblower service can provide greater anonymity and confidentiality, greater expertise and resources, an objective and independent perspective, and help to build trust in the reporting process. This can lead to more effective and efficient investigations and a more ethical and accountable organizational culture.
Some tips on protecting yourself against being bullied in the workplace?
The best way to protect oneself from workplace bullying is to work in a culture where bullying is not tolerated. Employers have a responsibility to create a safe and respectful workplace environment and to address any incidents of bullying that may arise.
What is a vexatious complaint?
Some individuals may be motivated by a genuine concern, but lack the appropriate evidence to support their claims. In such cases, it's important to address the underlying issues that are causing the complaint and work with the individual to find a resolution.
A whistleblower service is an essential aspect of good governance.
A whistleblower service is an essential aspect of good governance as it allows individuals to report any wrongdoing, corruption or unethical practices within an organization without fear of retaliation or retribution.
Stopline turns 21 in 2022.
Stopline is very proud to announce that we turn 21 years in November 2022, making us Australia’s oldest and most experienced whistleblower and integrity service provider. Stopline would not have been able to achieve this milestone in business without the dedicated and professional team. We listen and care about who is willing to speak out about workplace misconduct and ensure that we provide them the best support possible.
New Australian Standard AS 8001:2021 - Fraud and corruption control
On 11 June 2021, Standards Australia released the latest Fraud and corruption control standard, AS 8001:2021. This latest standard now underpins and provides minimum requirements for all businesses large and small within Australia to create, manage and report on fraud and corruption.
ASIC Update - ASIC calls on Australian CEO's to review whistleblower policies
ASIC has recently (13 October 2021) released a statement on their website asking “CEO’s of public companies, large proprietary companies and trustees of registerable superannuation entities (RSEs) urging them to review their whistleblower policies to ensure they comply with the law.”
ISO DIS 37002 - Management Systems Standards - Whistleblowing Frameworks
The ISO 37002 guidelines are likely to be the future global standard for organizational whistleblowing. Taking into account organizations’ legal frameworks on whistleblowing and related topics such as data protection, issuance of practical guidelines are likely to be a much-welcomed development. Organizations can prepare for future guidelines by mapping the whistleblowing structure they have in place.